Monday, December 22, 2008

Not me!!!

It wasn't me who waited till the weekend before Christmas to attempt to finish all my shopping for gifts only to feel overwhelmed the entire time. It wasn't me who seemed to only be finding stuff that I would have loved to of bought Mike...but only realized we decided not to buy gifts for each other. It wasn't me who seemed to be incredibly indescisive the whole entire time only to eventually buy the original items I picked up. Leave it to Liz.

It wasn't me who got so upset in tears when my wonderful husband told me he had planned on getting me a puppy for Christmas but since I had been playfully picking on him the whole afternoon, he decided I wouldn't be getting one. It wasn't me who went overboard when he told me that he had finally begged Jason (our landlord) to agree to let me have a puppy under certain conditions only in the end to tell me he was joking the whole time. It wasn't me who finally realized I was acting like a child by giving my ever so loving husband the cold shoulder only to realize he's told me I will get a puppy within the right time, I just have to trust him.

It wasn't me who felt a sort of relief when a close friend told me she called off a pretty big decision. It wasn't me who acted alittle selfish when she told me that a certain someone had asked a pretty major question, and she answered yes, only to be thinking of my own feelings toward what I thought would make her unhappy or happy. It wasn't me who wanted to shake some sense in her saying that although Love is Blind, you can't be blind to all of the red flags in this relationship.

And it wasn't me who once I walked in the door this morning here at work, pulled up my blog to say it's time for "Not Me Monday!" Have a good day! :)

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