Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Box or Two

The other day I had the joys of getting off work and my car battery being dead. Nothing. Dead. It got me thinkin' what would have happened if I was out at night, and that happened. Or to add to that, my cell was dead and wasn't able to call my Lovey to rescue me. Scary thought, but anything is possible. Then some more wheels started turning. Cold weather will be here before we know it, and living in Tennessee you tend to get the best of both worlds. You never know when or how strong Winter will be.

With that, I have decided that it would be smart to make up an "emergency box" for my Lovey and I to keep in our vehicles. Now, if anyone has ever seen my car, you're probabley thinkin' surely there is something you could find to eat, drink, and stay warm. But honestly, lately I have tried really hard to keep my car clean, and stay clean. :)

The emergency box will be filled with bottled waters, blankets, an out and about emergency case (band-aides, etc.), and maybe some granola bars or something of that nature. It's never too late to be prepared!

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