Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How Rude....

Remember Stephanie on the series "Full House"...her signature phrase, "How ruuuude." That is what I sounded like say 5 minutes ago. I don't understand the way customer service works. I have worked in it ever since my first job, constantly dealing with people, and what their needs were, and I know that there were probably times that I was flustered, and tired...but I would never make a person feel stupid for asking a question.

I simply called Verizon and asked if I could leave my phone there and get it charged. I felt like asking wouldn't hurt anything, and you just never know....maybe they did. The guy basically laughed at me saying that they don't have chargers laying around. DUH!! That's not what I was asking, sir!! I was seeing if yall had a charger in the back where the technicians worked that could do a one time charging.

Guess I gave him the laugh of the day. Glad I was able to do so. Arghh.

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