Thursday, June 4, 2009

You Decide

Ever since our beloved, wonderful, sweet Kaci has come in to our lives, I have often wondered where her "mask" was coming from. For those who have met Kaci, knows what I am talking about. For her to be a Maltese-Pomeranian...I have seen very few MaltiPoms who have this distinct marking. Research upon research at various pictures of breeds, has raised a question in my head. Is Kaci really what they said she is? Mike swears that she is a Malti-Pom, and she very well could be, I just wanna know what you think. Either way, we will by no means take her back to where we got her. We will by no means start a dispute. She's healthy and well and the vet has seen no concerns. And most importantly, she's stolen both our hearts. :)

This is Kaci after her bath. Notice her
"mask like" feature on her face.

And this is a picture of an American Eskimo
in the family of the "Spitz" Breed.

This is a picture of a Malti-Pom I found

And dang it, I wish my other picture of Kaci would come through, but it hasn't!! You decide what she she looks like!

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