Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pot Belly Pig of my Heart...

I don't know where these thoughts come from in my head..but leave it Liz, is all I have to say about it. I was browsing the internet, and came about the idea of what it would actually be like if the Thomas household adopted an not a dog, not a cat...not a fish, nothing of that nature. But a cute, little pot-belly pig. I laugh at myself for even thinking this idea up in my head. I laugh at my hubby when I think of his expressions as he read my text messages..."What would you say if your wife asked if she could adopt a pet pig instead of a dog?" Poor thing, haha..he ignored my texts! Every single one of them concerning a pet pig. I mean couldn't you imagine??

Now, imagine this one runnin' around the house?? Oh Lordy....

1 comment:

  1. haha...I knew a guy in high school that had a pig for a pet. The thing was huge and it chewed bubble gum.
