Monday, May 11, 2009


1. I've come to realize that, my last good-bye kiss: may not have been deep and passionate but it was short, sweet and perfect in my eyes.

2. I've come to realize that, I talk: before I think sometimes which gets me into some poor situations in which I regret.

3. I've come to realize that, I like: having a plan of action, and if Spontaneous is not one of my personality traits, then thats ok.

4. I've come to realize that, I have: more than what I need and deserve.

5. I've come to realize that, I've lost: and gained in this life, and that that is what makes me who I am.

6. I've come to realize that, I hate it when: people are hypocritical, judgemental and rude.

7. I've come to realize that, Marriage is: one of the hardest jobs in life. It must be nurtured, appreciated, praised, and enjoyed. It must be worked at constantly. It must be equally given 100% by each and not anything less because it is a team effort!

8. I've come to realize that, somewhere, someone is thinking: along the same lines I am...which is a really weird and interesting thought!

9. I've come to realize that, I'll always: be me who has good days and bad days.

11. I've come to realize that, The last time I truly cried was: along time ago.

12. I've come to realize that, My cell phone: is something I depend on, and that I need on a day to day basis no matter how much I hate hearing it ring.

14. I've come to realize that, Before I go to sleep at night: I rarely pray - but I think about all the people who are important to me.

15. I've come to realize that, Right now I am thinking about: Jennifer and how I pray she will be okay. (She just got rushed to the hospital due to her blood sugar...she's a diabetic).
**UPDATE** 05/12/09- Jennifer is here at work! Her heart is fine, which was another concern, and they got her sugar down to a descent level. Thank you, Lord!! :)

16. I've come to realize that, Babies: the most precious gift from God.

17. I've come to realize that, I go shopping: to make me feel better. It's my own sort of comfort I provide for myself.

18. I've come to realize that, Today: I have the choice to be in a good or bad mood!

19. I've come to realize that, Tonight I will : be loving on my husband just because I can, and I will enjoy him for every minute of it, because I should.

20. I've come to realize that, Tomorrow I will : one day closer to the weekend! :)

21. I've come to realize that, I really want: to be all that I can be...and to try my best to watch what I say because words can hurt so much deeper than I realize.

22. I've come to realize that, The person who is most likely to repost this is: whoever wants to! :)

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