Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bright Lights

I have decided that law-makers should make it illegal for people to put those outrageously bright lights on their vehicles. How in the world do they think it is possible for oncoming traffic to see? I know it sounds lame me saying all of this, but gives me a headache.

Today has been a good day. Last night, when we got back home from the movie, I took 3 Benedryl so I could sleep seriously good. I konked out. If Kaci tried waking me up to go potty, I didn't feel it (usually she does this by giving me kisses). So, Mike and I slept till about noon. Talking about sleeping, I have had some crazy dreams. Dreams involving people of my past that I had forgot about, and hadn't seen in ages. And when I say crazy, I mean pointless more like it.

Speaking of today, I bought my first Coach purse, and I am in love. I could seriously see myself becoming addicted to these bags. But I did really good. This purse I got, regular $ for $79!!!!! Yeah! I was shocked. I was surprised the Hubby went for it. I can't go in to the deal I had to make with him since he let me have this, but I will mention a portion of it, I have to take my lunch to work for a whole month. Not too bad, eh?

I'm excited about this week ahead. Tuesday, we are heading for a cook-out/Movie night over at Jaclyne and Matt's house. Fun Fun. This week is a 4 day work week. I have Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off! Yayyy! Friday night we are heading to Atlanta to stay in a hotel with my sister, and her Hubs. Then Saturday is my other sister, Amber's baby shower for Olivia Kate. I cannot wait to see everyone! It will be good times. Picture time I might add! :)

Well. Enough for the ramblings. I think I may go read my book. I know this blog was pretty much pointless! :)


  1. I say that every time I see those stupid lights! I hate those things! Congrats on your Coach!!! They are pretty but I don't think I could ever pay for one. Can't wait to see it!

  2. I know, they're aweful!! Oh believe me, I told myself the same thing...but then when I got such a deal on it, I was like "yesssssss!!!" :)
